Google’s new helpful content update algorithm has just launched on August 25th and discussions are doing rounds on social media about its influences. They have kept many of us in the dark, thinking that the move isn’t that effective, though it will have a significant influence on content creators and SEO specialists. Since Google has already begun to roll out the helpful content update algorithm adjustments, which support people-first content while degrading content provided for search engines only. Here comes our take on this helpful change!
What’s New In This Update?
To help more people understand the intention of Google’s recommendations with the helpful content update we have gone further to brief you about their context. Here are seven things you should know to guarantee you’re developing people-first content and the important role of EAT in SEO based on Google’s recommendations. The role of EAT in SEO stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. This notion is thoroughly covered in Google’s Quality Raters’ Guidelines. Google E-A-T both on and off your website has the potential to improve Google rankings. Understanding how Google evaluates helpful content might help you enhance your own content for a better user experience.
Role of E-A-T In SEO
Google: Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or site that would find the content useful if it came directly to you?
With this suggestion, Google may be attempting to urge users to stick to their area of expertise. Creating content for search engines might occasionally include posting articles in a field you are not an expert in. Assume you operate a tech blog website and notice a chance to capitalize on a high-volume marketing keyword. While the post can be useful, your current audience that visits the site looking for a tech blog is unlikely to find it useful. This is why Google emphasizes the role of E-A-T in SEO.
Do Show First-Hand Experience
Google: Does your content clearly demonstrate first-hand expertise and a depth of knowledge (for example, expertise that comes from having actually used a product or service, or visiting a place)?
Google recommends people avoid writing on topics in which they lack knowledge. Because an individual must have good experience in doing his ‘everyday things’ be it in any field, (For ex: an IT person running a tech blog, a gardener running a plant care blog, or a chef sharing unique recipes from around the world) based on their experiences. These blogs often incorporate affiliate links, which generate revenue for the author. But a person who does not hold expertise in the subject might create content that isn’t as valuable as it might be since the author cannot elaborate things in a well-researched way.
If you have firsthand expertise in the product, service, or topics you’re writing about, make it apparent with some images or visuals to keep your readers hooked throughout the experience.
Do Not Combine Many Topics Into A Single Website
Google: Does your site have a primary purpose or focus?
Google admires websites that do not overcomplicate things for consumers and stick to their areas of expertise. Since it is equally perplexing for search engines seeking to understand the site when the status redirects to lost with no instruction. In this instance, it is best to build a website around a specific subject so that you may develop control as a website owner for providing content in which you have the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness that plays the role of EAT in SEO. Your readers have to feel an emotional bond that ranges from devaluing low-quality content to becoming trustworthy content creators.
Provide Enough Answers To Searchers’ Questions
Google: Does your content leave readers feeling like they need to search again to get better information from other sources?
Google considers content to be useful when it teaches people something or supports them in performing a task. Writing for search engines might often require writing a lot without telling them anything important. When creating content for readers, you should assist them in answering a query or resolving a problem that brought them to your website in the first place.
Google also suggests reconsidering evaluating your content from the viewpoint of a reader in order to better understand what they are seeking and how you can use their desires to increase customer satisfaction.
Don’t Underestimate the Reader Experience
Google: Will someone reading your content leave feeling like they’ve had a satisfying experience?
Google’s advice encourages consumers to examine the whole reading experience.
It is conceivable to meet all of the above standards yet still fail to provide a satisfying experience. Consider reading a first-hand product evaluation that does not include images or videos. So, how can you prepare for it?
While searchers like textual material, a visual representation of the items would round out the experience. Instead of leaving searchers wanting more, meet all of their wants and criteria in one spot.
Do Not Respond To A Question With No Confirmed Answer
Google: Does your content promise to answer a question that actually has no answer, such as suggesting there’s a release date for a product, movie, or TV show when one isn’t confirmed?
Google is warning websites to avoid making false claims with this advice. Make it clear to the reader whether you’re writing about something rumored or inconclusive. This is wonderful advice for developing and retaining trust with your readers, in addition to complying with the helpful content update.
Follow Google’s Guidelines for Other Significant Updates
Google: Are you keeping in mind our guidance for core updates and for product reviews?
Google reminds you that the guideline for core upgrades and the product review update also applies to the helpful content update. If you’re already following Google’s recommendations for core updates and product review pages, chances are you’ll benefit from the useful content upgrade.
Final Thoughts
Google’s helpful content update has already been sent out, although there is much discussion over whether it is similar to the Panda update. However, Google informed us that this update is in addition to the previous one, which has been baked into the core algorithm for many years. Although it’s still in action, the new update is different. It may smell like Panda when it first started, but it is not.
The change impacts English searches globally and will eventually spread to other languages.
This will not be Google’s only helpful content update. Google expressly stated in its initial release that it would continue to improve its efforts to identify harmful content. So it’s past time we turn our focus entirely to quality content, and if we can’t do it ourselves, we should engage some professional content writing services.