A Guide To Ideal Paid Marketing Budget For New Businesses

ideal paid marketing budget

Hello there, entrepreneurs! So, you’ve got a brilliant new business, but the million-dollar question is: “What should be the ideal paid marketing budget?” Well, don’t worry because we’re here to get on this whimsical journey together, uncovering the secrets to creating a budget that’ll skyrocket your business to fame and fortune. Let’s dive in, shall we?

ideal paid marketing budget
Source: Hook Agency

Budget Baby Steps: Don’t Sell Your Kidney

Congratulations on starting your new venture, but before you rush to allocate your entire life savings into paid marketing, take a deep breath. You don’t want to be eating instant noodles for the rest of your life, do you? Start small, my friend. Set aside an amount that won’t leave you with sleepless nights, and remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Daydream with Data: Know Thy Audience

Okay, we get it; numbers can be as exciting as watching paint dry. But hold on! Data is your secret weapon in this wild marketing world. Get to know your audience – their likes, dislikes, favorite pizza toppings – you know, the essentials. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll create ads so captivating that people will drop their phones in awe.

The Unicorn Hunt: Hunt Wisely

Unicorns might be rare, but they’re not impossible to find. When allocating your budget across different marketing channels, don’t put all your hopes on finding the magical unicorn campaign right away. Instead, spread your budget across various platforms and let the data guide you toward the elusive rainbow.

The Grandma’s Recipe: Mix & Match

Remember your grandma’s secret recipe for the most delicious cookies ever? Well, think of your marketing budget as a mix of secret ingredients. Allocate funds for a balanced blend of paid social media ads, search engine marketing, display ads, and more. Experiment and see what concoction works best for your business.

The Reverse Birthday Rule: Save, Save, Save!

Do you know how you get a little extra cash every year on your birthday? Instead of blowing it on shiny new toys, save it up. Treat your marketing budget like your own personal birthday fund, and let it grow with time. Don’t worry; you’ll soon have enough to throw the best marketing party in town.

What should be the ideal paid marketing budget if you’re a new business?

The marketing game is getting hotter than a summer heatwave, and businesses are splurging like it’s a shopping spree on Black Friday! According to the grapevine, the average revenue allocated to marketing has been on a wild rollercoaster ride. From a measly 3.7% back in 2011, it’s now boomed to a whopping 8.7% in 2022. That’s some serious growth, my friend!

Small businesses are no longer sitting on the sidelines. In a survey of 85 small business owners and marketers, 52% said they’re spending $5–$15,000 per month on marketing! Looks like they’re rolling in some serious dough to play the marketing game. Don’t let these numbers scare you off or make you lose your cowboy boots. Remember, we’re all about smart moves here. It’s not just about how much you spend, but how you spend it! Keep it cool, keep it creative, and most importantly, keep it within your means.

ideal paid marketing budget
Source: Nuphoriq


So there you have it, folks – a little sneak peek into the marketing budget extravaganza. Remember, trends may change faster than the speed of light, but with a sprinkle of wit and a dash of humor, you’ll be navigating these treacherous marketing waters like a pro! Yeehaw! If you are still confused with this, ring us now, and our experts will guide you in the best way possible. Visit us to see how we can make your life easier and better.

Ways You Can Increase Brand Awareness On Social Media

Brand Awareness

Ever wondered how you can spread the word about your brand on social media in an effective and unique way? Brand awareness gauges the extent to which people recognize your brand’s existence. It encompasses various KPIs, such as website traffic and social share of voice, reflecting how well your brand is known. It’s not just a single metric; it’s a holistic concept. Fret not, fellas, we’re diving into the wild world of social media to explore ways to Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media.

Every customer journey begins with the same step. That step is brand awareness.

Increase Brand Awareness
Source: Marketoonist

Memes: The Language of the Internet Gods

If you’re not memeing, you’re not living! Memes are the secret code to unlock the hearts of internet dwellers. They speak the language of the masses, and they’re oh-so-shareable. Find a relatable meme, add your brand flair to it, and voila! You’ve just discovered the meme magic potion to enchant your audience. But before that, you should follow social media optimization best practices like posting consistently and at the right time.

Unleash Your Inner Influencer

No, you don’t need a million followers to be an influencer. Being influential is about connecting with your audience, having a distinctive personality, and being consistent with your brand voice. So, show the world your true colors! Be quirky, funny, or even a little cheesy (if it suits your brand). Your authenticity will draw followers like moths to a flame.

Hashtag It Like It’s Hot!

Hashtags are the magic beans of social media. Sprinkle them wisely across your posts, and watch your brand’s visibility shoot through the roof! But hey, don’t go overboard and turn your captions into a hashtag jungle. Keep it witty, relevant, and just a tad quirky, so people will actually enjoy tagging along on your hashtag journey!

Increase Brand Awareness
Source: SproutSocial

User-Generated Content: Fans Are Your Heroes!

Who needs a fancy photoshoot when you’ve got an army of fans at your disposal? Encourage user-generated content, where your followers create content related to your brand. It’s like getting a free promotion while making your followers feel like superheroes! Plus, it adds a delightful touch of realness to your social media game.

Run Contests & Giveaways: Free Stuff Rules!

People love freebies, and they’re willing to do some wild things to get them. Running contests and giveaways is an excellent way to increase brand awareness and engagement. Make it entertaining, and soon you’ll see folks lining up for a chance to win that fabulous prize you’re offering!

Go Live: It’s Showtime, Baby!

Lights, camera, action! Social media loves a good show, and going live can give your brand an interactive boost. Host live Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or even just a random dance party. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with your audience in real-time and let your hair down (figuratively or literally!).

Partner Up with Cool Cats

Collaboration is the name of the game. Find like-minded brands or influencers in your niche and team up for a social media spectacle! Joint campaigns and takeovers can give your brand a fresh perspective while exposing you to a wider audience. Just make sure your partners are as cool as you are!

Increase Brand Awareness
Source: SproutSocial

Polls & Quizzes: Ask and You Shall Receive

Who doesn’t love sharing their opinions or discovering their spirit animal through a fun quiz? Create engaging polls and quizzes that not only entertain but also reveal something about your audience. It’s a delightful way to boost interaction and have a good laugh along the way.

Ride the Trends: Catch That Social Wave

Social media trends come and go faster than you can say “hashtag blessed.” Keep an eye out for what’s buzzing, and join the party! Whether it’s the latest dance challenge or a viral meme, ride the trend wave and put your unique spin on it. Trust us; people will love your brand’s enthusiasm!

Stories: The Sneak Peek Magic

Storytelling is an ancient art, and social media stories are the modern canvas. Use stories to give your audience a sneak peek into your brand’s life. Share candid moments, showcase upcoming products, or even narrate a goofy tale. Your audience will be hooked and eagerly waiting for more!


Congratulations, social media maverick! Armed with these creative ways to increase brand awareness, you’re now ready to conquer the digital realm like a pro. Remember, stay true to your brand, keep experimenting, and don’t be afraid to be bold, witty, and humorous. If you want your social media to be handled by someone who has all these tricks and much more at their fingertips, look no further. Contact Dymentions, your multidimensional digital marketing partner. Let our social media experts be your wingmen while you get your social media success.

Threads a Threat to Twitter? 5 Reasons Why it Will Become a Success

Threads a Threat to Twitter?

Have you heard about Threads? No, I’m not talking about that collection of tangled yarn you found in your grandma’s attic. I’m talking about the latest feature that’s been making waves in the world of social media: Twitter Threads! Now, you might be wondering, is Threads a threat to Twitter? Instagram’s top boss Adam Mosseri confirmed that Threads has surpassed 100 million sign-ups in just five days since its public launch, making it the fastest-growing consumer product ever. Well, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into this topic together. We promise to keep things as tangled-free as possible!

Threads a Threat to Twitter?

Taming the Chaotic Twitterverse

Let’s face it, Twitter can sometimes feel like a chaotic jungle where everyone’s shouting their thoughts into the void. It’s a constant battle to follow conversations and make sense of the never-ending stream of tweets. But fear not, dear reader, for Threads are here to save the day! With Threads, you can now organize your tweets into a coherent narrative, making it easier for your followers to follow along. It’s like finally finding a map in the wilderness of Twitter!

Unleash Your Inner Storyteller

Remember those times when you had to sacrifice your eloquent prose just to fit your thoughts into the limited character count? Well, fret no more! Threads allow you to unleash your inner storyteller without having to worry about condensing your brilliance into bite-sized tweets. You can now weave a captivating tale, tweet by tweet, without the constraints of brevity. It’s like having a Twitter-sized novel at your fingertips!

Threads a Threat to Twitter?
Source: Forbes

Keeping the Conversation Alive

Have you ever stumbled upon an engaging conversation on Twitter, only to see it disappear into the vast depths of the timeline? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But Threads are here to change the game. Now, you can keep the conversation alive and thriving by adding new tweets to your thread whenever inspiration strikes. Your followers will thank you for saving them from the never-ending scroll of oblivion!

Aesthetics, Darling!

Let’s be real, Twitter is not known for its visually appealing layout. It’s like walking into a room where everyone’s talking at once, wearing neon-colored suits. But fear not, fellow aesthetes, because Threads are about to make your Twitter experience a whole lot prettier! With Threads, you can create visually pleasing tweetstorms, complete with headings, subheadings, and well-organized content. It’s like redecorating your Twitter feed with a touch of style and elegance!

In the mere days since Threads took off, Elon Musk has threatened to sue Meta for allegedly copying Twitter and engaging in “systematic, willful, and unlawful misappropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets,” publicly insulted Mark Zuckerberg with a term popular among white supremacists, while also challenging Zuckerberg to, I kid you not, “a literal dick-measuring contest” in a follow-up tweet.

Building a Community

One of the most magical things about Twitter is the sense of community it can foster. Threads take that sense of togetherness to a whole new level. By organizing your tweets into a coherent narrative, you can engage your followers in a more meaningful way. It’s like building a campfire and inviting everyone to gather around for a good ol’ storytelling session. Threads create a space for dialogue, connection, and the sharing of ideas, making Twitter an even more powerful platform for building communities.


Threads might not be a threat to Twitter after all. Instead, they bring a refreshing twist. So, next time you have a story to tell or a conversation to keep alive, don’t hesitate to give Threads a whirl. Who knows, you might just become the next Twitter sensation! Remember, the internet is a wild and ever-evolving place, and it’s up to us to make the most of it. So, go forth, tweet boldly, and let Threads be your trusty sidekick on this exciting social media adventure.

SMS Marketing – How Effective Is it in 2023?

SMS Marketing

Have you ever stopped to ponder the captivating realm of SMS marketing? You might be wondering, “Wait, isn’t that old news?” Well, hold your horses because SMS marketing is still alive and kicking in 2023! Let’s explore how effective this messaging strategy is and why it’s still a secret weapon for businesses.

SMS Marketing

Source: Gitnux

Blast from the Past: SMS Marketing Basics

Ah, the good old SMS. Remember when texts were all about abbreviations like “LOL” and “BRB”? Well, SMS marketing taps into that nostalgia to engage customers and promote products or services. Globally, businesses are predicted to spend $50 billion on SMS messaging by 2025. It’s all about sending promotional messages straight to your customers’ phones, creating a direct and personal connection.

Catchy and Concise – SMS

In a world full of buzzwords and information overload, SMS marketing is like a hero with a catchy jingle. With limited characters, you have to be witty and concise and pack a punch in your messages. No more rambling paragraphs or vague subject lines—SMS marketing forces you to be creative and get to the point. It’s like writing a haiku but for marketing!

Instant Engagement – The Power of SMS Marketing

Let’s face it, we’re all glued to our phones like a cat to a laser pointer. So, when that notification pops up, we can’t help but click. SMS marketing takes advantage of this addiction to instant gratification. Unlike email marketing, which might get lost in the depths of the inbox, SMS messages are hard to ignore. Text messages have an average open rate of 98%. They grab attention, creating an immediate and personal connection with your audience.

SMS Marketing

Source: Startup Bonsai

Timing is Everything – The Jedi Mind Trick

Picture this: you’re sitting on your couch, contemplating whether to order pizza or not. Suddenly, ding!—an SMS arrives, offering you a tasty discount on your favorite pizza joint. Coincidence? I think not! SMS marketing has the power to reach customers at the perfect moment, precisely when they need your product or service. Studies have shown that over 75% of customers still want to receive marketing offers via SMS. It’s like a Jedi mind trick, convincing them to take action right away.

Personalization Superpower in SMS Marketing

We all love feeling special, don’t we? Well, SMS marketing allows you to sprinkle that personal touch onto your campaigns. By addressing customers by name and tailoring your messages based on their preferences, you’ll make them feel like they’re getting a secret insider deal. It’s like whispering sweet nothings in their ears, but with a marketing twist!

Track It, Baby! – Analytics and SMS

Now, let’s talk numbers—because who doesn’t love a good data party? SMS marketing provides valuable analytics that allows you to track the success of your campaigns. You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, and even the number of people who converted into loyal customers. It’s like having a marketing crystal ball guiding you toward the most effective strategies.

SMS Marketing

Source: Attentive

Permission to Engage – Respect is Key

Remember, folks, with great power comes great responsibility. SMS marketing is all about obtaining permission from your customers to enter their sacred phone space. By using opt-ins and providing clear value, you build trust and respect. Nobody likes a clingy ex or an unsolicited text, so be a responsible marketer and respect those boundaries!


In a world saturated with marketing noise, SMS marketing shines like a diamond. Its ability to engage instantly, its personal touch, and its concise nature make it a force to be reckoned with. So, if you’re looking for a creative and effective way to reach your audience in 2023, don’t forget about the power of SMS marketing. It’s like a pocket-sized marketing superhero, ready to save the day!